Thursday, December 4, 2014


There are two types of adult worm of Trichuris  trichuura of which one is male and the other is female .

Adult Male Worm –

1)      Shape -  It is whip like in shape . The anterior three fifth portion is very thin and
               hair-like and the posterior two-fifth portion is thick and stout . Thus it   
               resembles a whip-coiled ventrally .

2)      Size -  It measures about 3 to 4 cm in length .

3)      Alimentary tract – The mouth is simple . The hair-like anterior extremity consist of a long , simple , cellular oesophagus which is a minute channel with a single column of large secretory cells . it opens into mid gut . The anus is terminal .

4)      Genitalia –

i)                    Testis – It is long saccular . It runs forward from the posterior part to the anterior part of the body
ii)                  Vas deferens – It ends into cloaca .
iii)                Ejaculatory duct is present .
iv)                Spicule – There is a single spicule which is 2.5mm in length . It is present at the posterior end .

Adult Female Worm –

1)       Shape – The caudal extremity is like a ‘ comma’ or an arc .

2)       Size – It measures about 4 to 5b cm in length .

3)      Alimentary tract – The mouth is simple . The hair-like anterior extremity consists of a long simple , cellular , oesophagus which is a minute channel with a single column of large secretory cells . It open s into mid gut . The anus is terminal .

4)      Genitalia – The worm is oviparous .

i)                    Ovary – It is saccular and tubular . It runs forward from the posterior end of the body .
            ii)           Uterus – Uterus opens into valva through a vagina .

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